why ask me ??LOL.i dont know la!make me think this problem not like simplicity.T.T

yucksssss~i don wan be like that..this is my cousinly><>
yik herng arghh~ haizz... he so unearthliness .. huh!What happen with you? LOL.leave it><
yucksssss~i don wan be like that..this is my cousinly><>
yik herng arghh~ haizz... he so unearthliness .. huh!What happen with you? LOL.leave it><
yongxin and me.=x my face blur case.LOL.
Donnoe why munyee today so CRAZY. Don noe how to explain.=x She said she wan ride this go home.Cause that time waiting her grandma fetch we back.>>>>>>
cute right.^^
that for child =x.munyee 's weight sure can't tahan.XD.LOL.
TERMINATOR.that movie we watched today.LOL.not really nice jek~but the machines in this movie yeng dao~like it.hehe.Me and yiqi always imitate the couple(yuenhan and siaw yee) are sit backside me and yiqi~haha~damn funny.
Their hand always grasp each other.LOL.
kesian hao ran.While anear the ending of the movie he discover his phone disappear.=x.Hope you now OK jor.