Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Just came back form jusco (again).Watch Night At The Movie 2. But abit disappointment not like 1 so funny.But funny too.Laugh so loud at the cinema. But, suddenly the film like burning!Then all blackly, the cinema become blatancy! This is my first time went to cinema occur this accident .LOL.omg.My broken english. Just skip it.><

huh! i spoil a thing at Jusco! oh my GOSH! Sure wan compensate! The original price is (i go to see)!!!!! RM 39.90! What the fcuk thing 39.90!!HOH! ><><>

We had a plan to give this to someone as her present. She tomorrow birthday!hehe.So we all give out RM3 to Brandon.hehe. But this thing must 30? undeserve!!!!aiyor! Now ok abit ler. Brandon 's act like so DA FANG while he give out the money.Xp haha. right?you tonight go Genting right. Ejoy la. Be happy la. Your face always macam bor song. smile la. =Dhe.

that's all for today . :)




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